Software Vault: The Gold Collection
Software Vault - The Gold Collection (American Databankers) (1993).ISO
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Text File
309 lines
% Updated by INSTALL v2.00 on 11-20-91.
% ----------------------------------------------------
% MENUS.CTL -- The menus control file for Maximus-CBCS
% ----------------------------------------------------
Title Menu Principal
MenuHeader None
% MenuFile Misc\MenuMain
% If you are using the customized .BBS MenuFile, then you must
% tell Maximus how many lines on your screen that your custom
% file takes. If this value is not specified, or if it is incorrect,
% then you will have problems with messages being scrolled off the
% top of your screen because of your customized menufile.
% MenuLength 14
% This option is also only applicable if you're using a custom
% *.BBS menufile. As expected, if a user presses a key in the
% middle of the menu with HOTFLASH turned on, the menu will abort
% it's display, and jump to the option selected. However, if
% your *.BBS file has a coloured background, this operation may
% cause the background to bleed into the rest of the screen. The
% solution is to specify an AVATAR colour number here, which will
% be displayed BEFORE printing the key the user selected. Normally,
% this colour should have the background set to black, or whatever
% colour your screen normally is. An index of the AVATAR colour
% codes (and their corresponding colours) can be found in the
% MAX_REF.PRN manual.
% MenuColour 15
% Name of cmd Optional arguments Priv. Command as it
% to execute for cmd, if any Level appears to user
% ------------ --------------------- --------- -----------------
Display_Menu Message Disgrace "Messagerie"
Msg_Browse Disgrace "Relever courrier" "mvl"
Display_Menu File Disgrace "Fichiers"
Display_Menu Change Disgrace "Configuration"
Display_File Misc\Regle.bbs Disgrace "Permissions"
Goodbye Twit "!Quitter BBS"
Statistics Disgrace "Statistiques"
Userlist Disgrace "Utilisateurs"
Version Disgrace "Version du BBS"
Display_File Misc\YellReq Disgrace "Appel SysOp"
NoDsp Yell Disgrace "A"
Display_File Misc\Bulletin Disgrace "Bulletins"
Display_File dltally.bbs Disgrace "Top Ten"
% Display_File Misc\Top Disgrace "Hit Utilisateurs"
Display_File lstat Disgrace "Hit Utilisateurs"
Display_Menu Reader Disgrace "Lecture Off-line"
Display_Menu Sysop AsstSysop "#menu Sysop"
Display_File Hlp\Main Disgrace "?Aide"
% Who_Is_On Disgrace "Who is On"
% Display_Menu Chat Disgrace "/Chat Menu"
End Menu
% To turn off the "Msg.area xxx ... asdf" display, but to still
% have Max believe that this is a message menu, use
% "SilentMenuHeader Message" instead of the line below.
MenuHeader Message
% MenuFile Misc\MenuMsg
% Name of cmd Optional arguments Priv. Command as it
% to execute for cmd, if any Level appears to user
% ------------ --------------------- --------- -----------------
Area_Change Message Disgrace "Activer autre zone"
NoDsp Area_Change Message Disgrace "[" "["
NoDsp Area_Change Message Disgrace "]" "]"
Read_Next Disgrace "Suivant"
Read_Previous Disgrace "Précédent"
Enter_Message Disgrace "Ecrire message"
Msg_Reply Disgrace "Répondre message"
Msg_Browse Disgrace "Balayer messages"
Msg_Change Disgrace "Changer msg actif"
Read_Nonstop Disgrace "=Lire NonStop"
Read_Original Disgrace "-Lire Original"
Read_Reply Disgrace "+Lire Reponse"
Msg_Current Disgrace "*Lire Courant"
Msg_List Disgrace "Liste "
Msg_Tag Disgrace "$Marquer zone"
Display_Menu Main Twit "Menu principal"
Display_Menu File Twit "Fichiers"
Goodbye Twit "!Quitter BBS"
Msg_Kill Disgrace "Détruire 1 message"
Msg_Upload Disgrace "Upload d'1 message"
Forward Disgrace "Transférer-copier"
Msg_Hurl AsstSysop "Hurl (move)"
Xport AsstSysop "Xport to disk"
Msg_Edit_User AsstSysop "@Edit user"
NoDsp Same_Direction Disgrace "|"
NoDsp Read_Individual Disgrace "0"
NoDsp Read_Individual Disgrace "1"
NoDsp Read_Individual Disgrace "2"
NoDsp Read_Individual Disgrace "3"
NoDsp Read_Individual Disgrace "4"
NoDsp Read_Individual Disgrace "5"
NoDsp Read_Individual Disgrace "6"
NoDsp Read_Individual Disgrace "7"
NoDsp Read_Individual Disgrace "8"
NoDsp Read_Individual Disgrace "9"
Local Display_File Hlp\Msg Disgrace "?aide"
Matrix Display_File Hlp\Mail Disgrace "?aide"
Echo Display_File Hlp\Echo Disgrace "?aide"
End Menu
% To turn off the "File area xxx ... asdf" display, but to still
% have Max believe that this is a file menu, use
% "SilentMenuHeader File" instead of the line below.
MenuHeader File
% MenuFile Misc\MenuFile
% Name of cmd Optional arguments Priv. Command as it
% to execute for cmd, if any Level appears to user
% ------------ --------------------- --------- -----------------
Area_Change File Disgrace "Activer autre zone"
NoDsp Area_Change File Disgrace "[" "["
NoDsp Area_Change File Disgrace "]" "]"
Locate Disgrace "Localiser fichier"
File_Titles Disgrace "Titres Fichiers"
Type Disgrace "Voir fichier ASCII"
Download Disgrace "Download-Réception"
Upload Disgrace "Upload-Envoi"
Statistics Disgrace "Statistiques"
Contents Disgrace "Contenu archive"
File_Tag Disgrace "*Marquer Fichiers"
NewFiles Disgrace "Nouveautés"
Raw AsstSysop "Raw directory"
File_Kill AsstSysop "Kill file"
File_Hurl AsstSysop "Hurl (move)"
Override_Path AsstSysop "Override path"
Display_Menu Main Twit "Menu principal"
Display_Menu Message Twit "-Messagerie"
Goodbye Twit "!Quitter BBS"
Display_File Hlp\FileHelp Disgrace "?Aide"
End Menu
MenuHeader Change
% MenuFile Misc\MenuChg
% Name of cmd Optional arguments Priv. Command as it
% to execute for cmd, if any Level appears to user
% ------------ --------------------- --------- -----------------
Chg_Alias Hidden "~Alias"
Chg_Phone Disgrace "#Telephone "
Chg_City Disgrace "Localité"
Chg_Password Disgrace "$Mot de Passe"
Chg_Help Disgrace "Niveau d'aide"
Chg_Nulls Disgrace "=Nulls"
Chg_Width Disgrace "-Largeur"
Chg_Length Disgrace "+Longueur"
Chg_Tabs Disgrace "Tabulation"
Chg_Video Disgrace "Video Mode"
Chg_Editor Disgrace "Edit. pleine page"
Chg_Clear Disgrace "Clear Screen"
Chg_IBM Disgrace "IBM caractères"
Chg_Hotkeys Disgrace "!Hotkeys"
Chg_Language Disgrace "@Language"
Chg_Userlist Disgrace "%Liste Usagers"
Chg_Protocol Disgrace "Protocole"
Chg_Archiver Disgrace "Archiveur"
Chg_FSR Disgrace "(Lect. pleine page"
Chg_More Disgrace "*Suite"
Display_Menu Main Twit "Menu principal"
NoDsp Display_Menu Main Twit "Q"
NoDsp Display_Menu Main Twit "|"
Display_File Hlp\Change Disgrace "?Aide"
End Menu
% MenuFile Misc\MenuEdit
% Name of cmd Optional arguments Priv. Command as it
% to execute for cmd, if any Level appears to user
% ------------ --------------------- --------- -----------------
Edit_Save Twit "Sauver Message"
Edit_Abort Twit "Annuler Message"
Edit_List Twit "Liste Message"
Edit_Edit Twit "Edition Ligne"
Edit_Insert Twit "Insertion Ligne"
Edit_Delete Twit "Détruire Ligne"
Edit_Quote Twit "Quote message"
Edit_Continue Twit "Continuer"
Edit_To Twit "Vers"
Edit_Subj Twit "-Sujet"
Edit_From AsstSysop "From"
Edit_Handling AsstSysop "Handling"
Read_DiskFile AsstSysop "Read from disk"
Display_File Hlp\Editor Twit "?Aide"
End Menu
Title CHAT
MenuHeader Chat
% MenuFile Misc\MenuChat
% Name of cmd Optional arguments Priv. Command as it
% to execute for cmd, if any Level appears to user
% ------------ --------------------- --------- -----------------
Chat_CB Disgrace "CB Chat"
Chat_Page Disgrace "Appel utilisateur"
Chat_Pvt Disgrace "Répondre à l'appel"
Chat_Toggle Disgrace "Inverser Statut"
Display_Menu MAIN Disgrace "Menu Principal"
Goodbye Disgrace "!Quitter BBS"
Display_File Misc\ChatHelp Disgrace "?Aide"
End Menu
Title LECTURE Message QWK
HeaderFile Misc\OLR_Hdr
% Name of cmd Optional arguments Priv. Command as it
% to execute for cmd, if any Level appears to user
% ------------ --------------------- --------- -----------------
Msg_Tag Disgrace "*Marquer zone"
Msg_Browse Disgrace "Download messages" "mnp"
Msg_Upload_QWK Disgrace "Upload reponses"
Chg_Protocol Disgrace "Protocole defaut"
Chg_Archiver Disgrace "Archiveur defaut"
Display_Menu Main Twit "Menu principal"
Goodbye Twit "!Quitter BBS"
Display_File Hlp\OLR Disgrace "?Aide"
NoDsp Display_Menu Main Twit "|"
End Menu
% Name of cmd Optional arguments Priv. Command as it
% to execute for cmd, if any Level appears to user
% ------------ --------------------- --------- -----------------
% This command invokes the internal Maximus user editor.
User_Editor AsstSysop "User Editor"
% This tells Maximus that you want to execute an external
% program (in this case, COMMAND.COM) when the `O' menu option
% is selected. Other options are available, such as `Xtern_Dos'
% (which can run .BAT or .CMD files) and `Xtern_Erlvl'
% (which completely unloads Maximus from memory).
% Also, when specifying the command/errorlevel to execute,
% don't forget to use underscores instead of spaces!
% Examples:
% Xtern_Run C:\Max\Bonk_/XN Sysop "Nodelist editor"
% Xtern_Dos D:\Path\Runme.Bat Twit "Run XYZ program"
% Xtern_Erlvl 45_Ongame.Bat Disgrace "On-line Games"
% If you're running 4DOS, replace the following
% "Command.Com" with "4Dos.Com".
UsrRemote Xtern_Run Command.Com_>com%P_<com%P AsstSysop "OS Shell"
UsrLocal Xtern_Run Command.Com AsstSysop "OS Shell"
NoDsp UsrRemote Display_file d:\max\misc\dorinfo AsstSysop "DOORWAY"
%NoDsp UsrRemote Xtern_Run f:\binkley\bnu_/w0+ AsstSysop "DOORWAY"
UsrRemote Xtern_Run d:\max\doorway.exe_SYS_/M_/S:*_/B:M_/V:D^U_/P:c:\command.com AsstSysop "DOORWAY"
%NoDsp UsrRemote Xtern_Run f:\binkley\bnu_/w0- AsstSysop "DOORWAY"
Display_Menu Main AsstSysop "Main menu"
NoDsp Display_Menu Main AsstSysop "Q"
NoDsp Display_Menu Main AsstSysop "|"
End Menu